Apologetics Simplified Podcast

Apologetics Simplified was a podcast run by Leah Chapman and Andrew Foster from 2019-2023. Revisit old episodes here or wherever you listen to podcasts!

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Biblical Forgiveness Frees the Wounded


Trigger Warning: emotional abuse, family abuse, death

In this episode Leah and guest co-host Sarah Foster talk about what biblical forgiveness is and isn't. Sarah shares her story of learning to forgive those family members who hurt her most even after their deaths and without an apology.

Biblical forgiveness is not:

  • Forgetting

  • Simply letting it go

  • Always preceded by an apology

  • A one-time thing (usually)

Biblical forgiveness is:

  • Releasing the offender of the debt owed you

  • Freeing yourself to move on

  • Mandated in scripture

  • Exhibited by Jesus at the cross

In the segment breaks Leah and Andrew ponder what a daily complaint limit would look like as well as answer some FAQs about Patreon.


Patreon: www.patreon.com/leahdchapman

One Time Gift: www.leahchapman.org/donate

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Current Offers:

(I am a FaithLife Affiliate and may receive monetary compensation if you purchase from the Logos links below.)

Logos Fundamentals:

For audio Bibles, commentaries, Bible dictionaries, encyclopedias, and theology for 50% off plus five free books!


Women in Apologetics Conference Recordings

You will receive access to all 28 sessions which includes: 5 keynotes, 18 breakout sessions, 1 workshop, 3 worship sessions, and 4 bonus videos. Online access will be available until January 1, 2022.


Leah Chapman