Apologetics Simplified Podcast

Apologetics Simplified was a podcast run by Leah Chapman and Andrew Foster from 2019-2023. Revisit old episodes here or wherever you listen to podcasts!

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If God Is So Powerful, Can He Make a Square Circle!?

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In this episode Andrew and Leah explore common objections to God.

  • Can God make a square circle?

  • Can God make a rock so heavy He can't lift it?

  • Can God make a married bachelor?

We'll explore the faulty logic behind each of these questions and use them to talk about what is possible or impossible for God to do. We will see it is impossible for God to do anything that is against logic or contrary to His nature.

In the segment breaks we talk about an interesting twist on an email scam and how can support this podcast for only $1/month.


Patreon: www.patreon.com/leahdchapman

One Time Gift: www.leahchapman.org/donate

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Current Offers:

Women in Apologetics Conference Recordings

You will receive access to all 28 sessions which includes: 5 keynotes, 18 breakout sessions, 1 workshop, 3 worship sessions, and 4 bonus videos. Online access will be available until January 1, 2022.


Leah Chapman