Apologetics Simplified Podcast

Apologetics Simplified was a podcast run by Leah Chapman and Andrew Foster from 2019-2023. Revisit old episodes here or wherever you listen to podcasts!

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Interview with Kaitlyn Schiess: The Liturgy of Politics

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In this episode Andrew & Leah to Kaitlyn Scheiss about her new book The Liturgy of Politics. Kaitlyn share her heart for how faith should inform politics. Kaitlyn defines political theology and shares ideas about politics, faith, and alternative political gospels to be aware of. Purchase the book here on Amazon: https://amzn.to/32KUCaf

The segment breaks share a hurricane story and a tribute to Chadwick Boseman.


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Connect with Kaitlyn:

Website: https://kaitlynschiess.com/

Twitter: @KaitlynSchiess

The song mentioned in the episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qM7OjwbpTEU

Guests and their recommended resources may or may not reflect the views of Leah or Andrew.

Leah Chapman