Apologetics Simplified Podcast

Apologetics Simplified was a podcast run by Leah Chapman and Andrew Foster from 2019-2023. Revisit old episodes here or wherever you listen to podcasts!

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In the Beginning God Created, But How? - Two Views

In this episode Leah and Andrew explore the arguments for Young Earth and Old Earth Creationism. First, they talk about the Hebrew term yom (English: day) and the theological significance of Adam.

Then Leah tackles a few of the arguments from Old Earth Creationism including a vast usage of the word yom in the Old Testament, evidence from the fossil record and Cambrian Explosion, and astronomical evidence. Andrew tackles the arguments for Young Earth Creationism including yom being understood as a 24 hour period, understanding Genesis as literal history, the Global Flood as cause for the fossil record, and more.

While Christians have disagreed about exactly how God created the earth, they agree that God created it. Despite this agreement and the many disagreements, Leah and Andrew believe that an exploration into scripture, theology, and science is a fruitful endeavour as it allows the explorer to learn more about the creation and the Creator Himself.

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Recommended Resources:

Young Earth Creationism: Answers in Genesis

Old Earth Creationism: Reasons to Believe

Four Views on Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design

The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament, 2 volume set

Leah Chapman