Apologetics Simplified Podcast

Apologetics Simplified was a podcast run by Leah Chapman and Andrew Foster from 2019-2023. Revisit old episodes here or wherever you listen to podcasts!

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Interview with Dr. Gordon Johnston: Old Testament Issues

Were there really camels in Egypt and is the OT Law sexist? In this episode I interview Dr. Gordon Johnston who is a professor of Old Testament studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. When I was in Dr. Johnston's Hebrew class, I became fascinated with his enthusiasm about the reality of camels during the time of the patriarchs. We also talk about the Old Testament law concerning foreign women and generally about archeological evidence for biblical events.

Trigger Warning: there is broad, non-detailed discussion of rape, forced marriage, and suicide starting in 00:19:30.

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Dr. Johnston’s Recommended Resources:

Behind the Scenes of the Old Testament: Cultural, Social, and Historical Contexts - Jonathan S. Greer, John W. Hilber, John H. Walton

Is God a Moral Monster? - Paul Copan

Guests and their recommended resources may or may not reflect the views of Leah or Andrew.