Colloquial Theology Blog Archive

Response to the news about John Crist


I was deeply distressed to hear the news about John Crist. There are numerous articles circulating, but I encourage you to read the original one from Charisma News linked here.

I have seen many Christian leaders talk about the need to pray for John Crist as they express their belief that his repentance is genuine. I agree that we must pray for God's transforming power to cleanse John's heart (Psalm 51:1-2), but we must also hold John accountable for his actions (Luke 17:3). We too must pray for God to provide healing to the women affected (Psalm 34:18) and especially those who have turned away from Christianity as a result of John’s actions. We must pray for God to bring healing and discernment to his family, friends, and all those close to him.

As I've said before in a podcast, we must be intentional not to put pastors, celebrities, or anyone on a pedestal. The only one who is worthy and can handle the mantle of being the example of true holiness is Jesus Christ (Revelation 5:12). Unfortunately, many of us, including myself, put John on a spiritual pedestal.

Pray for the women, for John, for his family, and for all those who have become disillusioned as a result of John’s actions. If this has been a triggering event for you, please seek counseling. Remember that Christ's Gospel is true and good even when Christ's people don't act according to that truth and goodness.


Leah Chapman